What’s On


  • Sustainable Gardening - a weekly gardening group on Tuesday mornings, offering basic garden maintenance to local Time Bank members.  Jennifer, the team leader, co-ordinates the work and provides training and supervision to volunteers
  • Allotment - a community allotment where participants have a share of the produce
  • FeelGood walks - short 'health walks' in SW Bath on Tuesdays at 2-3pm (1-2 miles)


  • Guitar - a guitar group suitable for beginners, which takes place in Twerton on Thursday mornings
  • Creative Writing - an online group for both beginners and more experienced writers which meets on Thursday mornings


  • Twerton Lunch Club - weekly lunch club and activities every Wednesday lunchtime  in Twerton


  • a fortnightly food co-op on Wednesdays, supplying fresh, locally grown vegetables


  • Our Library of Things such as gardening equipment, DIY tools, catering items, home maintenance equipment, camping gear and equipment for events, which can be borrowed free of charge


  • From time to time we offer cycle maintenance, cookery classes, IT advice & support, sewing workshops, photography, litter picking, language exchange and other groups, depending on the skills and interests of our members. If you are interested in either attending or leading a group, please contact us.

For information on our weekly schedule and other updates, please look here.