Can I join over the internet?

You can fill in a joining form and email it to us, but we do also need to meet you in person. If you are housebound and physically unable to come into the office, we can arrange a home visit.

What if I don’t have any skills to offer?

In our experience, everyone has something to offer, whether it is folding leaflets, baking a cake, sharing memories with young people or knitting blanket squares for the Cat & Dogs Home. However if it is very difficult for you to earn credits at present, we may still be able to offer you services using donated credits.

How much does it cost?

It doesn’t cost anything to join Time Bank Plus. The services offered by our members are ‘paid for’ in time, rather than cash. If there are associated cash costs (eg decorating materials), you will be asked to cover the cost of these.

What if I don’t want any of the services you are offering?

If none of our members are offering the services that you would like, we may be able to help by advertising for somebody who can help you or by searching for other members with similar interests.

Can I donate my time credits to someone else?

Yes, you are free to donate your time credits to a friend or family member, or into our pool of credits to enable us to help those in need.

Are there any services you can’t offer through Time Bank Plus?

For insurance reasons, we aren’t able to take on professional jobs such as car mechanics, electrical or plumbing work or legal advice, or jobs where there are significant health and safety issues. We also can’t replace paid workers or take on regular commitments such as ongoing care work or weekly cleaning, gardening, etc.

Can I arrange my own exchanges?

Timebanking is a brokered service, which means that a Time Bank worker will arrange exchanges on your behalf. This helps us to keep the system running smoothly and safely and helps keep our records up to date. You may be interested in joining Bath LETS, which allows you to arrange your own exchanges.

How does the food co-op work?

Southside Food Co-op is open on a fortnightly basis on Wednesdays, providing fresh, locally grown vegetables in 3 standard bag sizes. Bags need to be ordered and paid for in advance and can be delivered in the SW Bath area.